Now, device EOL,
end-of-life, is

Meet UTORA – a simpler way to discover, assess & onboard networks. Enterprise Network teams rely on UTORA to detect, diagnose & repair networks.


The Network

UTORA NetworkAssistance

Network Discovery & Intelligent Inventory
Ben can now quickly discover his network by plugging in SNMP credentials. Without any additional manual effort, he can view device intelligence info such as – end of support/service (EOS), end of life (EOL) for all the network vendors. Ben can also view mapped topology and a detailed inventory of his devices, cards, wifi – all in one place.

Network Discovery & Intelligent Inventory

The ease of discovering your network
UTORA automatically discovers and creates inventory of devices, using SNMP credentials. Inventory information includes IP address, serial number, hostname, device model etc.

Network Discovery & Assessment

The device lifecycle info on your fingertips
UTORA inventory information also provides out-of-the-box device lifecycle information such as end-of-life, end-of-service, end-of-support etc for all major network vendors like CISCO, Arista, Juniper, HPE, Aruba, Palo Alto, Fortigate, Extreme etc.

Network Discovery & Intelligent Inventory

Auto-generate LAN/WAN topology for your network
UTORA automatically creates real-time topology map for all the devices discovered in the network. Topology map contains live device information on location, vendor, make, versions etc. This information is overlaid with real-time alerts.


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